Category: Fiction
Kiss Cecilia for Me
Fiction by Kaitlin Ruether The first camera I picked up had a flashbulb that popped when you pressed the button. My first picture had Mom in a blue floral dress as she straightened the records on a maple shelf, her mousy hair pulled tight.
Mars Renaissance: Eight Things a Man Should Know How to Do
Fiction by Tim Conrad They are sending Lisa and me down to the capital for a statewide charity function that our office doesn’t care about. We’ve been invited during our peak season, and our boss Gretchen tells us that someone needs to go as a show of solidarity.
Fiction by Clare Wilson The bartender’s t-shirt declared, Caution, Hot! +++Marvin eyed the splashy script as she poured him another double of Bulleit. He downed it in one gulp, before she had reached her next customer.
The Shoulder
Fiction by Nick Fuller Byllis was one of those two gas station towns in vassalage to the highway. The gas stations were built on a short hill in vast flat country and were right across from each other just off the exit.