Tag: short stories
On Hysteria
Nonfiction by Renée Branum +++Grandma Wanda used the word “hysterical” to describe anything worthy of extreme laughter. Her laugh began as a low burst, like an exploding balloon, and then receded toward a series of open-throated guttural “gar gar gars.”
Where the Sun Turned Green
Fiction by Michael Diehl Pezley I used to think I’d grow to be eight feet tall. That’s how big our backyard was. It was over a decade later that I learned people, unlike goldfish, grow inwardly and that the perimeters of that space are nonexistent. Still, it was a big yard, bigger than any…
Baby Books
Nonfiction by Alyssa Ross +++“You were an awful child,” Mother likes to say, especially when she has some red wine and an audience. She weaves exaggerated tales in her slight Southern bark: stories about the terrible things I’ve done and the grief she’s endured.