Tag: poetry
The Way We Listened to Music
A Poem by Elizabeth Vignali In the den, lights off, windows open behind beat-up blinds. I sat on brown shag carpet, parted its long strands to find the yellow glue disintegrating between the fibers in sharp crumbles like sugar.
Pomona’s Prayer
A Poem by Meri Culp Pomona, goddess of garden, of orchards, lead me to your sacred grove, where plum shadows curve, rounding to dusk,
A Poem by Cindy St. Onge (for Virginia Woolf) We are ever walking to deep water, heavy with stones around our waists, sunk by the heft of the legend
A Walk in The Back Lot
A Poem by Elizabeth Poreba Criss-crossed by disturbance in the trees— branches tossed and heaped as if for bonfires of monstrous festivities— and sealed off by snow annealed to shell, the wood road was invisible.
Litter & Cattails
A Poem by Stephen Wells Brand I recall the chilly pewter sky when we made a kite using litter & cattails
The Answering Service of The Muse
A Poem Richard Weaver Talking with you is like cutting open a cat to read the mice’s bones.
The Drowning
A Poem by Christina Kapp Her face would have grown, stretched round and flat as a dinner plate on an empty table.
A Poem by Eric Rawson The farmer cuts the vine to check its reckless behavior, bends the branches until they root. Some men