Tag: New Limestone Review
The Shoulder
Fiction by Nick Fuller Byllis was one of those two gas station towns in vassalage to the highway. The gas stations were built on a short hill in vast flat country and were right across from each other just off the exit.
A Theory of Individual Palettes
Two poems by Daniel Bourne A nearby tennis court, / half-moons in the green-mesh net, smiles of Cheshire cats / as the wind blows through their teeth, each mouth an upturned / bowl.
Teenage Apostate
Nonfiction by Mike Jeffrey People sang loud at Keswick, so I sang loud, and I didn’t fall asleep during the sermons as I often did back home. I read along when scripture was quoted instead of flipping to the verses about boobs in Song of Songs.
Letter from a Small Town
Two poems by John Sibley Williams Remember / that Japanese maple your mother / hog-tied & slowly bent over years / into perfection?