Tag: New Limestone Review
Every name I pull out of my hair is a soft / blow to the spine, decibels for Newtons. Poetry by Hannah Seo
She fixed her attention on that twitching dime-sized bit of skin, and shut everything else out. A large volcano she had not even known was active was right now erupting north of Manila, sending harshly blinding ash-fall over the capital. Fiction by Noelle Q. de Jesus
Dear Francine du Plessix Gray
“I’m said to be a very gifted analysand,” you humble-bragged in your interview, quite elegantly. I used to be so efficient with my therapist’s time, but the older I get, the more agile I become at skirting the stuff that makes me ugly-cry. Creative Nonfiction by Candace Walsh
Aubade for an Alcoholic’s Son
straight, gridded teeth / bit down, / asked me to promise I’ll never / go back to sleep Poetry by Megan DeMatteo
It was the divine. He knew none of it made sense. Really, he hated it. But here and now, it was fucking gorgeous.
What Can Be Controlled
it so happens I am sick of that / way of being: denying my unstrength Poetry by Casey Clague