Tag: New Limestone Review
It was the divine. He knew none of it made sense. Really, he hated it. But here and now, it was fucking gorgeous.
What Can Be Controlled
it so happens I am sick of that / way of being: denying my unstrength Poetry by Casey Clague
Coffee Routine
My teammates’ hands reach for a touch, their fingers wiggling like sea anemones in my periphery. In the car ride home, my father teaches me the word charisma. Creative Nonfiction by Susannah Borysthen-Tkacz
Piano Lesson
you touched the keyboard / tentatively with blind fingers, / ten newborn mice, hairless, / vulnerable Poetry by Romana Iorga
Mona Lisa in Bronze
Where had he found rum? I took a sip. It was strong but sweet. Warm from his hands. “In Cuba we have a saying,” he said, “when you drink from my cup, you learn my secrets.” Creative Nonfiction by Dacia Price
Times You Taught Me about Violence
The time we drank too much whiskey and you dropped / your fishing rod in the river / and you went stone silent for the rest of the night Poetry & Collage by Amanda Hadlock
milk is for beginners (hebrews 5:13)
i can feel / his picture-book breath / in my ear like a daydream. Poetry by Gabrielle Varela
These are the Rules and They Have Been the Rules
You agreed to look for lost dogs on signs / and you agreed that we are all lost dogs looking for / each other Poetry by Robert Wood Lynn