Tag: New Limestone Review
The Gift
Awarded Third Place in the 2019 Ada Limón Autumn Poetry Contest Once, I gave my mother a memoir, I Just Lately / Started Buying Wings. There was a mother in it / like my mother’s mother: cold then slightly warmer / as my mother grew, as her tennis shoes climbed / closer to gas pedal…
Dear Elizabeth Smart
Runner-up in the 2019 Ada Limón Autumn Poetry Contest I read in a book review that you wrote My Story with a ghost. / Days after hearing your voice, / I am haunted and frantically write you / in a pocket notebook, afraid of forgetting. Poetry by Dani DiCenzo
Some Nights We Have the Moon
Runner-up in the 2019 Ada Limón Autumn Poetry Contest There are no swans here, just corn / and potatoes pushing past small- / town dirt. I want to be done / with want, so I tell my feet / to stalk the wheat Poetry by L. Renée
Wear Your Seatbelt / X and Y Squared / Husk and Core
I practice the front crawl. I push. I breathe. I sturdy myself. I blow out when my head’s in. See and hear the gurgle. In order to keep myself aligned. Flash Fiction by Kim Chinquee
The Man from the Egg
I had been just as surprised as one might expect when, at the age of ten, while making breakfast one morning, I cracked open what I thought was a normal chicken egg and found, covered in egg white, a tiny naked man—full head of hair, a Roman nose, strong tightly-muscled arms. So statuesque, lying prone…
in praise of the river that has flooded its birthplace.
dark bruises of waves / turn / like lathes Poetry by Brandon Thomas DiSabatino
If that cross had a story, what would it be? / Copper wolves devouring my eggs, / or all my daughters raptured to nowhere? Poetry by Meg Reynolds
The reporters called and asked me: Did you know him? / I was his teacher, I said many times that day. Yes, I knew him. Poetry by Martín Espada for Jim Foley, journalist executed on video by ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham), August 19, 2014