Category: Prose
Wax Palm and Bougainvillea
Fiction by Casey Bell Juan Carlos replanted my hydrangeas and lilies into large clay pots on rolling casters so I could rearrange them on my own, so I could be sure they had the perfect balance of light and shade through summer and spring.
Shit Pond
Fiction by Casey DW Jones It all started shortly after we killed that possum. Coop and I were down at the Sandpits, an old gravel quarry filled with water, a half mile south of our trailer.
Nelson, “(Can’t Live Without Your) Love and Affection”
Nonfiction by Joni Tevis It doesn’t feel like heavy metal, in part because it’s so sunny. “What we grew up listening to wasn’t blues,” said Gunnar. “It’s pretty easy to make a rock song sound tough when your DNA is the blues. But when your DNA is folk, it’s harder.”
Split Level
Fiction by Patrina Corsetti +++I didn’t take the transfer in order to advance my career. I don’t have a career. I’m twenty-three and I work for a large hotel chain as an assistant front desk associate/maid substitute.
Creek Bed Blues
Fiction by Bre Lillie +++I met my best friend the day my brother Keen came howling back to our family’s home with blood pulsing from his nose in short bursts.
Kiss Cecilia for Me
Fiction by Kaitlin Ruether The first camera I picked up had a flashbulb that popped when you pressed the button. My first picture had Mom in a blue floral dress as she straightened the records on a maple shelf, her mousy hair pulled tight.
Mars Renaissance: Eight Things a Man Should Know How to Do
Fiction by Tim Conrad They are sending Lisa and me down to the capital for a statewide charity function that our office doesn’t care about. We’ve been invited during our peak season, and our boss Gretchen tells us that someone needs to go as a show of solidarity.