Tag: interview
An Interview with Marie-Helene Bertino
interview, interviews with marie helene bertino, interviews with marie-helene, Marie-Helene Bertino, marie-helene bertino story writer, Short Story Writer, story writer bertino, writer interviewBy Kate Tighe-Pigott I first encountered Marie-Helene Bertino at the Brooklyn Book Festival a number years ago, where she talked about finding the right kind of surrealism for her story collection SAFE AS HOUSES.
An Interview with Sabrina Orah Mark
By Sophie Weiner Sabrina Orah Mark is the author of Tsim Tsum (Saturnalia, 2009), The Babies (Saturnalia, 2004), and the chapbook Walter B.’s Extraordinary Cousin Arrives for a Visit & Other Tales (Woodland Editions, 2006).