Picture Liberty spinning so fast that (like the blades of an electric fan) her arms / disappear.
An except from Emily Carr’s novel-in-verse forthcoming from Spork Press in October 2019

Emily Carr says she “writes murder mysteries that turn into love poems that are sometimes (by her McSweeney’s editors, for example) called divorce poems.” After she got an MFA in poetry from the University of North Carolina-Wilmington, she took a doctorate in ecopoetics at the University of Calgary. These days, she’s the program director of the low-residency MFA in creative writing at Oregon State University-Cascades. Her newest book, Whosoever Has Let a Minotaur Enter Them, Or a Sonnet—, is available from McSweeney’s. It inspired a beer of the same name, now available at the Ale Apothecary. Emily’s first collection of fiction, Name Your Bird Without A Gun: a Tarot novella, is forthcoming from Spork in late 2019.